So for the time being and living where I do I have been dealing with flash floods (high enough to drown and move cars) tornadoes, and power outages and flashes so much so i'm only on mobile for fear of huring my computer (i recently broke the grounder on the plug in so i have to be careful). I will get on when things clear up (which they did thankfully this evening) but the cleanup was ughhh... So i will get on when i can after all this ^^; in the meantime keep it up! And happy posting!
Also those of you who have specialized charas, u will be paid next time i dare turn on my computer.
Akane can be contacted by pm (i recieve email dings on my phone when i recieve them so no worries there)
"Sanity is only an idea made real, to make those who are boring feel better." -Akane