Hello all! This is just an announcement saying the breeder mechanic is open for testing. If you wish to make an existing character a breeder or a new one, just use the normal trainer app. I would recommend a new character or one that doesn’t have much going for them because this is a test to see how this mechanic will work.
There is one slot left! Remember, your character cannot be the owner of a contest hall or gym! But those can be handed down to others, as well as breeder characters switched back to normal or contest trainers at any time. Mariko Melota OPEN
For the three breeders selected, each of you will receive one free breeding as a breeder perk.
Rules for a breeder: -You may breed any pokemon, including certain legendaries (shaymin, victini, and manaphy only(for now)) -In order to breed your pokemon, you must purchase the breeding from the pokemart. -Only breeders may purchase the breeding item -Shinies breed shinies 50% of the time. -There will be a new item if this mechanic takes off that allows a breeder to “borrow” or “get an egg” from other members. So please no trading at this time. -You can NOT breed temporarily banned pokemon. Normal bans do not apply
How a breeder works -Your objective is to breed pokemon to sell them in the “Auction Houses” in Asemon. These houses are other member-owned houses. -Choosing the right Auction House is crucial to the most revenue possible! -See reply post for Auction house details (posting shortly)
-Auction houses have three slots, Morning, Mid-day, and Night. -To buy a house and the Morning slot, it is 150,000poke -To build upon your house with the Mid-day slot, it is another 50,000 poke -Finally to finish the house and buy the Night slot, it is another 100,000 poke -There is also an advertisement board for any breeders with upcoming pokemon
If you are a breeder you can buy your own auction house. However it is 300% more expensive
Differentiating Auction Houses
-Auction houses can be set by their owners as to which types bring more money and which types bring less money -Each house can have primary types which will start the pokemon’s price at a higher rate. -However, with two primary selling types, there must also be two primary underselling types. -There can also be secondary selling types -The primary and secondary selling types must be equal amounts.
Owners of the houses
-Can set different rates for the individual slots -Can dictate what sells for more or less at their house -Can take a commission -Can set sell times/dates
Owners of the selling pokemon
-Can decide which house they want to sell at and thereby offer it to multiple houses -Can discuss with house owner commission cut, time slot, and starting price -Can set sell times/dates
"Sanity is only an idea made real, to make those who are boring feel better." -Akane